Wow, what a beautifully thoughtful post. I love the way you tell your family worries alongside the solutions you found for them. Definitely a more positive way of approaching life’s challenges.

Thanks for sharing ☺️

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Excellent post. Very creative and insightful! Keep it going. You're inspirational, and your kids are lucky to have such a creative mom!

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This was a great post, Hope -- such a good reminder.

My win when I am feeling... un-winning 😉 is always to stop focusing on myself and do something for others. Even if it's just as small as texting a couple friends that I am thinking about them and holding them in love -- any time I remember that my purpose on this planet is to be of service and show up for other people, it helps me get out of my head/stop overthinking. (It would be fun to do a thread re: "when you need a win" -- I'd love to hear what other people do!)

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Family Scripts

Beautiful! Thank you for the transparent honesty and good solid worldview💕

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Family Scripts

I've been thinking a lot about this topic! My To Do list only seems to grow lately and it does contribute to a sense of unease and defeat. Setting aside an hour after work to clear a closet or declutter the junk drawer really does help me feel like a decent human again. I always think of Gretchen Rubin's wise words -- she says we over-estimate what we can get done in a big chunk of time (guilty!!) but we under-estimate what we can do it lots of small chunks of time. I tend to feel like I need a whole day alone to clean out my closet, but that isn't actually true, and I could get a lot more done if I just STARTED. I also try to remember her "one minute rule": If you can get it done in under one minute then DO IT NOW! Those little tasks (changing the toilet paper roll, grabbing a new lightbulb from the garage, taking out the recycling) can weigh on us if we don't take care of them right away.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Family Scripts

Beautiful post!! Thank you so much for the reminders and encouragement, and great real-life examples!

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